Transport and Logistics Solutions
Exposure and Association
Sat Software and Infrastructure has acquired TTL domain expertise through years of exposure and association with various clients.
Sat Software and Infrastructure has acquired TTL domain expertise through years of exposure and association with various clients. This has been supported well by the fact that SatsInfra has the technical expertise to handle challenges that are a part of today’s industry dynamics. Sat Software and Infrastructure has been able to overcome all the challenges faced and deliver a quality product that meets and exceeds customer expectations TTL Group is a blend of technocrats with good exposure to the TTL domain. The group has been innovative and solutions oriented in building and maintaining applications in TTL.

The intense competition has made it imperative for the TTL industry to leverage technology to cut cost per transaction, provide better customer service and keep pace with the changes in the business. environment. Over years due to stiff competition and recession, Industry has been looking in to cutting costs of inventory, Operational cost and Just In Time procurement, this has put severe pressure on the Information Technology to help the end users in bringing more efficient applications to support them. Over the years Sat Software and Infrastructure has architected and delivered solutions in the areas of TTL.
Sat Software and Infrastructure has been involved in all the phases of the lifecycle for projects on the TTL domain: Requirements gathering and elaboration, Architecture and Design, Development, Testing, Re-Architecture and Re-Engineering client implementations, Production support and User documentation.